
mesin vacuum frying menggoreng

Effect of Vacuum Frying on Quality Attributes of Fruits

Vacuum frying of fruits enables frying at lower temperatures compared to atmospheric frying, thereby improving quality attributes of the fried product, such as oil content, texture, retention of nutrients, and color. Producing high-quality vacuum-fried fruit is a challenge, especially because of the high initial water content of fruits that requires long frying times. Factors influencing vacuum-fried fruit quality attributes are the type of equipment, pre-treatments, processing conditions, fruit type, and fruit matrix. Pre-treatments such as hot air, osmotic drying, blanching, freezing, impregnation, anti-browning agents, and hydrocolloid application strongly influence the final quality attributes of the products. The vacuum-frying processing parameters, namely frying time, temperature, and vacuum pressure, have to be adjusted to the fruit characteristics. Tropical fruits have different matrix properties, including physical and chemical, which changed during ripening and influenced vacuum-fried tropical fruit quality.
This paper reviews the state of the art of vacuum frying of fruit with a specific focus on the effect of fruit type and matrix on the quality attributes of the fried product.

